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Fourth Plain Forward’s local resident advisory team came together for their bi-monthly meeting this November. The Community Advisory Committee (CAC) was created in 2019 to help guide and inform Fourth Plain Forward and the Fourth Plain Coalition, ensuring that residents have a clear and leading voice in the work that happens along the fourth plain corridor.
The CAC’s role helps direct the work that Fourth Plain Forward focuses on and for this meeting the agenda was a continuation of the work the CAC team had been discussing around a new grant application with the BUILD Health Challenge.
The BUILD Health Challenge is a national grant program that provides funding to local community-based organizations who work collaboratively to bring racial justice and health equity to systemically disadvantaged and historically marginalized communities of color. In 2019, Fourth Plain Forward successfully partnered with Clark County Public Health and Evergreen Habitat for Humanity to deliver a three-year program designed to bring about racial equity in the housing sector. This new grant focuses on the racial wealth disparities along the corridor and FPF is again partnering with Clark County Public Health and Evergreen Habitat for Humanity to create a program that will bring entrepreneurship, business development and workforce opportunities to our community.
The Community Advisory Committee plays an intrinsic role in developing the grant application, informing and guiding its creation so that the funding serves the needs of our community.
The application process is competitive and there are only a small number of grants available. We will submit the application in early January and will hear if we are successful in April/May.
The five neighborhoods that Fourth Plain Forward serve are:
· Rose Village
· Fourth Plain Village
· Maple Wood
· Bagley Downs
· Meadow Homes
If you are a resident living in one of our five neighborhoods and would like to be more involved in tackling racial justice and health equity issues, please feel free to get in contact with us at or call 360 258 0871.